Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting into the groove

It seems I've got a routine. Wake up around 11am, get breakfast from 7-11 (I love 7-11 in Asia.. it's actually convenient and the food is fresh), do errands, find a cafe and work, go to gym, then do something social.

Today's errands were going to Guanghua market to pick up a wireless router and a DVI->VGA converter (which the TV doesn't like... boo.. stuck to NTSC).  It's not as insane as I remember it from 2 years back - probably because I went during the day.

The social thing of the day was meeting a friend of a friend who is a salsa instructor. I've always wanted to properly learn salsa in the hopes of overcoming my clumsiness. I have the grace of an elephant and the coordination of a drunken mule - is there hope?  I have to say.. they're all pros at the club I visited. I didn't even want to step onto the corner of the dance floor let alone actually dance. Where are all the beginners? Hiding in a private studio like future me?

The heat is starting to hit me... I'm sweating 24/7... not much appetite, and felt light headed at the gym today (despite A/C).  Keeping hydrated is the only thing I can do. Also feeling very shy.. for once. But, still loving it here! Oh.. and I have a new floormate.. somehow lizards are cute, but cockroaches are not.

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